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Sign up for our Ladies Golf Academy at Rushden Golf Club and get into golf!

Small friendly beginners group with PGA Professional and Elite Performance Coach, Damien Woodward.

6 x 1 hour weekly lessons for £100 pp on Swing Basics and Power. Golf clubs and balls will be provided.

The dates are the 31st August, 7th and 21st September, 12th, 19th and 26th October.

A further 6 week course covering On the Golf Course, Short Game, Putting, Rules and Etiquette will be available to progress to Membership and a Handicap.

Golf is fun and a great way to make friends, keep fit and enjoy the outdoors.

To book your place on our Academy, or ask for further details, email us on rushdenladiesgolf@gmail.com

We ran a course earlier in the year which was extremely successful. Many ladies of which are out on the course now and really into their golf.